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Now Offering Intensive Ego State and EMDR Therapy.

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Welcome to The Nurturing Space Counseling

Where We Help People Reclaim Their Lives!

We are so glad that you are here!

We're guessing that you’ve been thinking about asking for help for a while, but you may have been afraid to reach out because you don’t want to feel judged. You want a therapist who is relatable, a real person who understands and who can help you navigate this difficult time and get you on the road to living the life you are meant to live. By visiting our website, YOU have taken a vital step toward improving your life!

Woman relaxed sitting by water

We know that you are here because you are hurting and it just feels like too much. You've been juggling too many demands, perhaps working from home while acting as both teacher and parent, and trying to keep everyone healthy and safe. You survived the pandemic and you've been doing your best to hang on, but maybe you feel like you've lost yourself and now that the world has opened back up, you're on the brink of falling apart.

Or perhaps you're here for a completely different reason. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by constant reminders of your past or you can’t stop worrying about your future. It seems like you're always on autopilot, or maybe you just go numb to manage getting through your days. You feel irritable and exhausted and more than anything you just want a solid night of rest.

You have tried to convince yourself that the bad things that have happened don’t affect you, but you are starting to realize that just isn't true. Maybe you have actually just been running from it, hiding from it, pushing it away or trying so hard to just bury it deep. But, the truth is that you feel like you’re springing leaks because those strategies are not working anymore!

Maybe you have tried plugging your holes with work, food, shopping, wine, sex, or just plain old avoidance, but “Band-Aid” fixes are not working. Your pain keeps showing up in the form of angry outbursts, emotional meltdowns or shutdowns, and physical tension and pain in your body and you just wish it would stop.

You’ve tried to put on a happy face for others in your life, but it is just not working because you don’t feel happy.

Child at window with hand on window

You have worked so hard to try and figure this out on your own. You don’t want to bother your family and friends with your problems or maybe you actually have tried to reach out for support but they just don’t understand. Maybe they have even told you to just get over it.

Your relationships are suffering, your work is suffering and maybe you even feel like you are a bad mom or dad, a bad partner, a bad friend or a bad daughter or son. Life just does not feel fair and the bottom line is that you feel like you are not good enough and you feel so alone.

The truth is that your life experience has taught you to believe these lies. You can actually have the fulfilling life that you deserve! Therapy can offer you a space to work on silencing that mean voice in your head, recover from the pain of your past and gain the self-confidence needed to take charge of your life. If you are ready to get unstuck, ready to begin to experience happiness or just ready to feel normal, you have come to the right place!

We know that finding the right therapist can be very overwhelming. We bet that you have been scouring the internet looking at therapist profiles and websites trying to find that perfect therapist who just seems like they get you. It is proven by research that one of the most important components of successful therapy is feeling connected to your therapist. The idea of sharing your utmost personal experiences with a stranger can be scary and intimidating. You want a therapist who feels like a real person, someone who can actually relate to you and you to them, someone you can imagine being vulnerable with. Trust us, we completely understand!

Within the pages of this website you will find information about our therapists, our approach to treatment and educational information and resources that we hope you will find valuable as you make your way through the very important decision of choosing a therapist.


Hands holding tree
The Nurturing Space Counseling is a clinical private practice specializing in helping people improve their mental health and wellness. The mission of The Nurturing Space Counseling is to help people of all ages and walks of life to move from surviving to thriving and claim a sense of safety, security and confidence within all areas of  their lives. Our therapists strive to provide evidence-based trauma-informed care to support healthy processing of the experiences that have contributed to present difficulty in a compassionate and nurturing setting. We invite you to explore the information on our website and contact us to schedule an appointment today!