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Now Offering Intensive Ego State and EMDR Therapy.
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Nobody Wants to be Stuck in the Past! Why Spend Months or Years in Therapy When Healing from Trauma in Days is Possible?

EMDR Intensive Therapy offers a way for individuals to experience accelerated relief from the lingering effects of trauma.

EMDR Intensive Therapy is the same therapy as EMDR therapy provided during weekly sessions. However, EMDR Intensives are EMDR sessions that are scheduled for multiple hours in one day and sometimes over the course of consecutive days or weeks. You will complete treatment in a much shorter time and spend your time actually living the life that you desire and deserve, rather than wishing for the life you want!

What are the benefits of EMDR Intensive Therapy Sessions?

  • You will get better faster with lasting results!
  • Intensive treatment reduces time spent suffering from symptoms that negatively impact your life! In standard weekly 55-minute sessions, much of the time is spent checking in on the impact of everyday life, and little time is left to treat the root of your symptoms so that you can experience enduring relief. With EMDR Intensive therapy more session time is spent in actual processing of trauma and you will experience enduring symptom relief, healing and true transformation much more quickly!
  • The life-changing healing that EMDR Intensives offer means that you can conclude therapy in days or a few weeks. This means No MORE scheduling of weekly therapy sessions spanning months or years.
  • EMDR Intensive Therapy can be scheduled SOON! This means no more waiting on a list for several months on end, hoping to be called and trying to figure out how to fit in a weekly commitment once you finally do receive a call.
  • EMDR Intensive Therapy is Cost Effective! Although upfront costs may seem like more than paying copays or a deductible, paying for EDMR Intensive Therapy is actually an investment in your health and time because the therapy is concentrated, highly focused and much more efficient. This equates to less time spent in therapy and less cost over the long run.

What Kind of Issues Can be Treated with EMDR Intensive Therapy?  A number of issues can be helped with EMDR Intensive therapy ranging from  single incident traumatic experiences to lifelong difficulties that stem from attachment wounding.  Some of the issues that I specialize in include:

  • Adults Abused and Neglected as Children
  • Abandonment
  • Shame
  • Perfectionism
  • People Pleasing
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Food Relationship Issues
  • Relationship Trauma
  • Single Incident Trauma


How Do I Know if EMDR Intensive Therapy is Right for Me?  Some of the factors to consider include:

  • Readiness for Change- Are you tired of feeling sick and tired and truly ready to leave the past in the past?
  • Current Stability and Support System- Active self-harm, suicidality  and substance abuse will require a period of stabilization before doing intensive work is appropriate. Furthermore, individuals are more likely to experience transformation if a solid support system is in place.
  • Time Commitment- Can you make time for multiple hours of therapy in one day which may span a number of days?
  • Assessment- after you complete a new client request/ consultation form through our secure portal, I will provide a 30 minute cost-free phone consultation during which a number of questions will be asked of you to determine whether EMDR Intensive therapy is appropriate at this time and whether I am the right fit to meet your needs.

What Does an EMDR Intensive Session Look Like?

  • After the initial Consultation call a two and a half-hour intake session will be scheduled. The focus of this session is history taking/ assessment and identifying and practicing coping resources for helping you manage any distress that arises during and after your session(s). We will also develop a plan to attend to any of your needs and desires during the processing session. This may include items that you plan to bring and items and activities that I will provide to support comfort, soothing, nurturing, and breaks.
  • During the initial three and a half to four-hour processing session we will start by assuring comfort in the space and with your resources. We will then move to treatment planning. If you have specific memories that are impacting current functioning and emotional states, we will develop a list of distressing events/ memories for targeting via EMDR. We will then set up the targets and work through each one in a specific manner. If your current distress stems from events that were likely experienced in very early childhood, or even while you were in utero, then the Early Trauma Protocol, will be used to target time frames going back to the point of your conception. The actual time spent in processing is very individual and will depend on your tolerance. Breaks for movement, alternate activities, food and beverage will be built into the scheduled time-frame. However, processing will be at your pace, and extra breaks or stopping processing early is absolutely an option.
  • Depending on your preferences and what seems clinically appropriate, I will integrate movement, aromatherapy and sound therapy into your EMDR Intensive experience.
  • Following the Initial Processing Session:  You may complete all targets in one session, or it's possible that processing will be incomplete and scheduling of an additional session will be recommended. Time will be built in at the end to strengthen and savor new connections and to contain any material that may benefit from additional time. We will review your plan for self-care in the hours  or days that follow your processing session and we will either schedule an additional processing session or your follow-up closure session.

How Much Time Do I Need to Schedule?

  •  It depends on your history and how much trauma you want to clear. However, I have found that about 14-15 hours of treatment, is typically enough to address and clear up complex trauma presentations. It is possible to clear single incident trauma in as few as one or two intensive sessions. After the initial intake, if I believe that you need more preparation and/or Ego State work prior to processing, I will inform you.

How Long Will a Full Course of Treatment Actually Take?

  • The short answer is, It Depends.  Every individual's needs are different. A single event can often be cleared in one session and issues that have been present for  many years will likely require multiple intensive sessions spanning a several days. We can discuss this during the consultation phone call.

How Do I Prepare for My EMDR Intensive Session?

  • I suggest that you start by clearing your calendar completely for your processing day(s). If you are a parent or have other care-taking responsibilities, this includes arranging alternate care. Plan to get good rest the night prior. Plan to have extra time available in the morning on the day of your intensive and eat a well-balanced nutritious meal before you arrive. Pack and bring anything that may support your comfort during the Intensive. We will discuss what this might be prior to your processing day. After the Intensive, plan to take it easy. Try to avoid having to rush off for anything. I encourage people to think of their processing day as a mini-retreat. Ideally, you will engage in self-care activities of your choice during the hours that follow and into the evening. Some ideas include: Schedule a gentle massage, attend a gentle or restorative yoga class, go for an easy walk along a nearby beach or in nature,  possibly right on the TART Trail that borders our property, sit outside of our building or at the nearby Medalie Park and watch the birds, go for a soothing swim, listen to soothing music or plan to relax and read a good book. Cap your day with a nourishing meal.  Some individuals even choose to check into a hotel for the evening. Many of the suggested self-care options can be easily accessed by doing so.

How Much Does EMDR Intensive Therapy Cost?

I offer two options for managing the cost of Intensive EMDR Therapy as follows:

  1. Hourly Rate Includes:
    • Assessment- $495(2- 2 1/2 hours)
    • Processing sessions- $225 per hour, minimum of 3 hours scheduled at a time to start.
    • $500 deposit required, applied to final session.
  2. Package Rates: Three payments of $1,150.00 each or One payment of  $2,950.00 for a $500 discount

    • Initial Assessment (2- 2 1/2 hours)

    • 12 hours of processing spread over 2 to 3 days

    • 1 hour follow-up session to reassess progress.

    • $1,500.00 Deposit Required at time of Scheduling for payment plan package
    • $2,950.00 Deposit Required at time of Scheduling for Discount Package
  3. Limited Saturday appointments available for and additional $75 per hour.

  4. If the client is a minor, the parent or guardian who signs consent forms is responsible for payment.

Do You Accept Insurance for EMDR Intensives?

  • Insurance does not cover the time that is required for Intensive EMDR sessions. Therefore, all components of the EMDR Intensive are private pay only. If available, you should be able to use HSA funds to cover the cost.

What if I Need to Cancel My EMDR Intensive Session?

  • Reschedules-  accepted up to 21 days prior to your scheduled date.
  • No Show & Late Cancellation- No Show & Late Cancellation: Because Intensive EMDR session appointments are reserved exclusively for you, and require a large amount of time, we are not able to fill them on a last-minute basis. Therefore our policy is to retain the full deposit for payment plans and $1,500.00 for packages paid in full at the discounted rate if your appointment is missed or canceled for any reason with less than 21 days notice, unless the appointment opening is able to be filled.